Universalidad y Competitividad en Salud
- Felicia Marie Knaul, Afsan Bhadelia, Richard Horton. Health-related suffering: from Lancet Commission to DeclarAction. The Lancet, Published 18 May 2018
- Felicia Marie Knaul, Héctor Arreola-Ornelas, Rebeca Wong, David G Lugo-Palacios, Oscar Méndez-Carniado. Efecto del Seguro Popular de Salud sobre los gastos catastróficos y empobrecedores en México, 2004-2012. Salud Pública de México; 601: 130-140. Marzo-abril, 2018
- Felicia Marie Knaul, Paul E Farmer, Eric L Krakauer, Liliana De Lima, Afsan Bhadelia, Xiaoxiao Jiang Kwete, Héctor Arreola-Ornelas, Octavio Gómez-Dantés, Natalia M Rodriguez, George A O Alleyne, Stephen R Connor, David J Hunter, Diederik Lohman, Lukas Radbruch, María del Rocío Sáenz Madrigal, Rifat Atun, Kathleen M Foley, Julio Frenk, Dean T Jamison, M R Rajagopal on behalf of the Lancet Commission on Palliative Care and Pain Relief Study Group. Alleviating the access abyss in palliative care and pain relief—an imperative of universal health coverage: the Lancet Commission report. The Lancet. Published: October 12, 2017
- Essue B, Laba T, Knaul FM, Chu A, Van Minh H, Phuong Nguyen TK, Jan S. “Economic Burden of Chronic Ill Health and Injuries for Households in Low- and Middle-Income Countries” in Volume Disease Control Priorities: Improving Health and Reducing Poverty, DCP3. June 2017. http://bit.ly/2uoQo9o
- Atun R, Silva S., Knaul FM. Innovative financing instruments for global health 2002–15: a systematic analysis. The Lancet Global Health. Volume 5, No. 7, e720–e726, June 2017. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(17)30198-5
- González-Pier E. , Barraza-Lloréns M., Beyeler N., Jamison D., Knaul F., Lozano R., Yamey G., Sepúlveda J. Mexico’s path towards the Sustainable Development Goal for health: an assessment of the feasibility of reducing premature mortality by 40% by 2030. Lancet Global Health 2016 Published Online August 30, 2016.
- Knaul FM, Arreola-Ornelas H, Méndez CO. Protección Financiera en Salud: Actualizaciones para México a 2014. Revista Salud Pública de México. Vol. 58, no. 3, mayo-junio, 2016, pp. 341-350. Published on line April 1, 2016.
- Knaul FM, Langer A, Atun R, Rodin D, Frenk J. Bonita R. Rethinking Maternal Health. The Lancet Global Health. Published on line. 4 March 2016.
- Alsan M, Bhadelia A, Foo P, Haberland C, Knaul F. Chapter 9 “The Economics of Women’s Health and Healthcare: From Conception to Grave” In Scheffler R.M. Health Determinants and Outcomes (Volume 2), The Economics of Social Capital and Health. World Scientific Series in Global Handbook for Health Economics and Public Policy. 2016, pp. 397-432: doi: 10.1142/9789813140516_0009
- Knaul FM, Pleic M. Chapter 4. Living your Fullest Life after Breast Cancer. Future Leaders. Dancing in the Rain: Living with Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs).
- Knaul FM, Bhadelia A, Atun R, Frenk J. Achieving Effective Universal Health Coverage and Diagonal Approaches to Care for Chronic Illesses. Health Affairs. September 2015.
- Knaul FM, Arreola-Ornelas H, Aran M, Atun R, Méndez O, Pleic M, Aktakke N. Technical Note “Valuing the Invaluable: The contributions of women to health and the health system” in Langer A., Meleis A, Jaffray F, Atun R, et al. Women and Health: the key for sustainable development. Report of the Commission on Women and Health. The Lancet. Published Online June 4, 2015.
- Knaul FM, Horton R, et al. Closing the divide: The Harvard Global Equity Initiative–Lancet Commission on Global Access to Pain Control and Palliative Care. The Lancet. March 8, 2015.
- Knaul FM, Horton S, Yerramilli P, Gelband H, Atun R. Chapter 17. “Financing Cancer Care in Low-Resource Settings” in Jamison D, Gelband H, Horton S, Jha P, Laxminarayan R and Nugent R. Disease Control Priorities Third Edition (Volume 3): Cancer. November 2015.
- Langer A., Meleis A, Knaul F, Atun R, et al. Women and Health: the key for sustainable development. Report of the Commission on Women and Health. The Lancet. Published Online June 4, 2015.
- Hannon B, Zimmermann C, Knaul F, Powell RA, Mwangi-Powell FN, Rodin G. Provision of Palliative Care in Low – and Middle–Income Countries: Overcoming Obstacles for Effective Treatment Delivery. Journal of Clinical Oncology. Published Online November 17, 2015.
- Cotlear D, Gómez-Dantés O, Knaul FM, Atun R, C H C Barreto I, Cetrángolo O, Cueto M, Francke P, Frenz P, Guerrero R, Lozano R, Marten R, Sáenz R. Overcoming social segregation in health care in Latin America. The Lancet. 385 (9974): 1248-59. March 28, 2015 (published online: October 15, 2014).
Spanish version: Cotlear D, Gómez-Dantés O, Knaul FM, Atun R, C H C Barreto I, Cetrángolo O, Cueto M, Francke P, Frenz P, Guerrero R, Lozano R, Marten R, Sáenz R. La lucha contra la segregación social en la atención de salud en América Latina. MEDICC Review. International Journal of Cuban Health & Medicine. Serie: Cobertura universal de salud en Latinoamérica. Suplemento 2015, Vol 17, No 1. S40-S52.
- Kruk ME, Nigenda G, Knaul F. Redesigning Primary Care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries for the Era of Chronic Diseases. American Journal of Public Health. March 2015.
- Knaul FM, Bhadelia A, Arreola Ornelas H, de Lima L, Sáenz Madrigal M del Rocio. Closing the pain divide: the quest for effective universal health coverage.The Lancet Global Health, Volume 3, Special Issue, S35, March 2015
- Ataguba J E, Lu Jui-fen R, Muiser J, Knaul FM. “Assessing Progress to UHC – The GNHE Perspective. Financial Risk Protection” Global Network for Health Equity (GNHE) December, 2015.
- Atun R, Monteiro de Andrade LO, Almeida G, Cotlear D, Dmytraczenko T, Frenz P, Garcia P, Gómez-Dantés O, Knaul FM, Muntaner C, Braga de Paula J, Rígoli F, Castell-Florit Serrate P, Wagstaff A. Health-system reform and universal health coverage in Latin America. The Lancet. 385 (9974): 1230-47. March 28, 2015 (published online: October 15, 2014). DOI:
Spanish version: Atun R, Monteiro de Andrade LO, Almeida G, Cotlear D, Dmytraczenko T, Frenz P, Garcia P, Gómez-Dantés O, Knaul FM, Muntaner C, Braga de Paula J, Rígoli F, Castell-Florit Serrate P, Wagstaff A. La reforma de los sistemas de salud y la cobertura universal de salud en América Latina. MEDICC Review. International Journal of Cuban Health & Medicine. Serie: Cobertura universal de salud en Latinoamérica. Suplemento 2015, Vol 17, No 1. S21-S39.
- Powell RA, Mwangi-Powell FN, Radbruch L, Yamey G, Krakauer EL, Spence D, Ali Z, Baxter S, De Lima L, Xhixha A, Rajagopal MR, Knaul F. Putting palliative care on the global health agenda. The Lancet Oncology. Volume 16, No. 2, pp. 131-133, February 2015.
- Gelband H, Sankaranarayanan R, Gauvreau CL, Horton S, Anderson B, Bray F, Cleary J, Dare AJ, Denny L, Gospodarowicz M, Gupta S, Howard S, Jaffray D, Knaul FM, Levin C, Rabeneck L, Rajaraman P, Sullivan T, Trimble EL, Jha P, for the DCP3 Cancer Author Group. Costs, affordability, and feasibility of an essential package of Cancer Control interventions in low-income and middle-income countries: key messages from Disease Control Priorities, 3rd edition. The Lancet. Published Online: 11 November 2015.
- Hellen Gelband, MHS, Rengaswamy Sankaranarayanan, MD, Cindy L Gauvreau, PhD, Prof Susan Horton, PhD, Benjamin O Anderson, MD, Freddie Bray, DPhil,James Cleary, MD, Anna J Dare, PhD, Lynette Denny, MD, Mary K Gospodarowicz, MD, Sumit Gupta, MD, Prof Scott C Howard, MD, David A Jaffray, PhD, Felicia Knaul, PhD, Carol Levin, PhD, Linda Rabeneck, MD, Preetha Rajaraman, PhD, Terrence Sullivan, PhD, Edward L Trimble, MD, Prof Prabhat Jha, DPhi. Costs, affordability, and feasibility of an essential package of cancer control interventions in low-income and middle-income countries: key messages from Disease Control Priorities, 3rd edition. The Lancet. November 2015
- Felicia M Knaul, Paul E Farmer, Afsan Bhadelia, Philippa Berman, Richard Horton. (2015) Closing the divide: the Harvard Global Equity Initiative–Lancet Commission on global access to pain control and palliative care. The Lancet.
- Margaret E. Kruk, Gustavo Nigenda, and Felicia M. Knaul. (2015). Redesigning Primary Care to Tackle the Global Epidemic of Noncommunicable Disease. American Journal of Public Health. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302392
- Putting palliative care on the global health agenda. Richard A Powell, Faith N Mwangi-Powell, Lukas Radbruch, Gavin Yamey, Eric L Krakauer, Dingle Spence, Zipporah Ali, Sharon Baxter, Liliana De Lima, Ali Xhixha, M R Rajagopal, Felicia Knaul
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1470-2045(15)70002-1
- Frenk J, Gómez Dantés O, Knaul FM, Langer A. Salud y mujer en México. En Corona Vázquez T, Medina Mora ME, Ostrosky Wegman P, Sarti Gutiérrez EJ, Uribe Zúñiga P, Eds. La mujer y la salud en México. México, D.F. Academia Nacional de Medicina 2014; pp 289-304
- Frenk J, Gomez-Dantes O, Knaul FM. “The Health Systems Agenda: Prospects for the Diagonal Approach.” In Brown GW, Yamey G and Wamala S (Eds.) Handbook of Global Health Policy. Wiley-Blackwell, 2014.
- Denburg AE, Knaul FM, Atun R, Frazier LA, & Barr RD. “Beyond the bench and the bedside: Economic and health systems dimensions of global childhood cancer outcomes”. Pediatric blood & cancer 2014; 61(3): 572-576.
- Knaul FM and Marx A The global economics of chronic and noncommunicable diseases. Chapter 4.4 Prevention strategies common to noncommunicable diseases. In Stewart BW and Wild CP (Eds.). World Cancer Report 2014. IARC-WHO. Lyon, France.
- Knaul FM, Arreola-Ornelas H, Méndez O, et al.. The global economic burden of cáncer. Chapter 6.7. In Stewart BW and Wild CP (Eds.). World Cancer Report 2014. IARC-WHO. Lyon, France.
- WP/2014/011 Global collective action in health: The WDR+20 landscape of core and supportive function.Blanchet N, Thomas M, Atun R, Jamison D, Knaul F, Hecht R. WIDER Working Paper, UNU-WIDER. January 2014
Atlas de los Sistemas de
Salud de América Latina

Health Care Systems in
Developing and Transition Countries
ED Publising

Art. Contratación de prestadores
privados para ampliar la cobertura de poblaciones pobres en México.
El caso del estado de Jalisco.
Art. La regulación en modelos de
contratación de prestadores privados de servicios de salud: Una experiencia innovadora en Jalisco, México.